Scott and Hope's Wedding Page

We decided to announce our betrothal as a surprise to our shocked family at a delicious nearby restaurant . We had the whole family in town because:

  • Hope had just graduated law school that day
  • Scott's brother, Josh, had just gotten married the day before
  • We wanted to bring a celebratory ice cream cake, complete with a congratulatory (to ourselves) icing inscription. However, we were afraid the family might get wise if we wrote "Congratulations on getting engaged, Scott and Hope!". So instead, after much deliberation, we decided to simply write "Final-ly" on the cake.

    This worked much better, since if someone saw it before the announcement, they'd simply assume it was referring to the fact that Hope's law school finals had just ended. (Hence the '-')

    By the way, "Final-ly" happens to be an infinite-entendre.

    (if you happen to have taken a picture of the cake, please email it to us.)

    © 2006 Scott and Hope
    Last updated: October 23, 2006